The Dragon Reborn
on the web
This is the (archived) home site of
- fVDI
the Fenix/Free/Fast VDI (v0.95 released 000220, new versions
made available continuously) (* mostly there)
- MGIFv5
the image viewing/processing program (5th v5.10beta released 970707)
(* mostly not there)
- QLem
the Sinclair QL emulator (v1.45 released 960304)
(* mostly not there)
the internet project to create a DOOM(TM)
WAD compatible game for the Atari Falcon030 (v3.07a released 970824)
(* mostly not there)
All four programs are naturally only available for the Atari computers. ;-)
(* if you have a copy of klockars.net, or the missing files )
(* please contact paulwratt@users.source
forge.net )
Things you might want to know about...
Where I'm at...
Miscellaneous pages
If you want to get in touch with me (Johan) by email, use one of the
addresses below. If one bounces, try the next.